Review of REC Trading-September 2011
Trade session this month again brought a pleasant surprise for sellers with REC prices rising to Rs.2300/REC about 30% w.r.t last month.As the second quarter ended, buyers might have tried to secure RECs and limit their liabilities against future price
Maharashtra Cross-Subsidy Declared
The ongoing cross-subsidy issue in Maharashtra, which was also the subject of a Supreme Court judgement recently, seems to have been resolved. MERC came out with an order on the subject on September 9. The highlights are: Cross-subsidy (CSS) has been determined as
REC Trading Update – August 2011
In August's REC trade, both prices and demand volume increased significantly from last month. REC demand last month was about 96,000, while it almost doubled to over 183,000 in August. This is perhaps the most significant indicator for the REC markets,