Analysis of Draft Regulations on Forecasting and Scheduling of Wind and Solar Generating Stations – Rajasthan
CERC had notified forecasting and scheduling (F&S) regulation for inter-state sale of power a few months back. Subsequently, the Forum of Regulators (FoR) had come up with model regulations for forecasting and scheduling at the intra-state level. Rajasthan has published the draft forecasting and scheduling regulations
in line with the FoR model Regulations. Rajasthan is the fourth state to do so in recent days – MP, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are the others.
Executive Summary:
- The regulations will be applicable on all wind and solar generators with individual or combined capacity of 5MW and above that are connected to the state grid
- Deviation will be calculated on the basis of available capacity
- Settlement with the buyer will be on the basis of actual generation
Qualifying Coordinating Agency (QCA) will play a key role in the total process. QCA will be responsible for forecasting, telemetry, scheduling and settlement of deviation.
The draft regulations are in-line in every aspect with the model F&S regulations released by FoR earlier. However, the model FoR regulations had proposed a 10% deviation band for new projects and 15% for existing projects. Rajasthan has proposed a 15% band for all projects.
Detailed Analysis:
Forum of Regulators have recently come up with model regulation for forecasting and scheduling and deviation settlement mechanism. The primary objective is two fold :
a) facilitate large-scale grid integration of solar and wind generating stations, and b) maintaining grid stability and security.
Highlights of the regulation are below: –
- All solar and wind generators connected to State grid have to provide day-ahead and week-ahead schedule – Revisions can be made on a one-and-half hourly basis.
- Payment for generation shall be as per actual generation (this is different from the inter-state regulation, where payment is on the basis of scheduled generation).
- The deviation slab has been kept as (+/-)15% for all generators at Intra-state level.
- Penalty is calculated at fixed amounts per unit (whereas, for Intra-state it is calculated as a percentage to PPA rate) –
- RPO accounting can continue as per existing arrangement, and needs no change.
The SLDC will also conduct a forecast of its own with the primary purposed of ‘secure grid operations by planning for the requisite balancing resources.
Applicability of Regulations
- All wind and solar generators connected to the State grid are covered:
- Having capacity of 5MW and above individually or in aggregate.
- Regardless of date of commissioning.
- Including those connected via pooling stations
- Selling power within or outside the state. Detailed Mechanism defined for Deviation.
Detailed Mechanism defined for Deviation Settlement calculation or Intra-state sale of power is as follows

In case of Intra-State transmission, Penalty Mechanism for existing generators :

The Draft Order can be accessed here.