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MPERC proposes RPO Target & Finalizes Biogas Tariff

RPO Target
The Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (MPERC) on 30th Jan 2015, has proposed new Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) target for FY 15-16. The commission in its previous order dated 19th November 2010 had finalized RPO targets till FY 14-15. The amendment proposes RPO target for FY 15-16, the details are in the table below:

The MPERC in its previous order defined targets till FY 14-15, which was same as proposed for the in the draft i.e. totalĀ  7% RPO. The commission, through a public notice, has invited comments and suggestion from stake holders by 22nd Feb 2015.
The Draft can be accessed here.
Biogas Tariff
The commission in its order dated 5th Feb has declared tariff for the biogas energy sources. This tariff order will be applicable to all new biogas based power generation projects in Madhya Pradesh commissioned on or after the date of issue of this order for sale of electricity to the distribution licensee. The control period for this order will start from the date of issue of this order and will end on 31.03.2018.
The levellized tariff determined by the commission for new biogas projects will be Rs. 4.20 per unit for 20 years, and the tariff for the existing biogas plant will be Rs. 3.40 per unit for 20 years from the date of commissioning. The distribution licensee will deduct 2% of the energy injected towards wheeling charges in terms of units.
The above determined tariffs shall apply to projects that do not avail benefit of accelerated depreciation (AD), which is 80%. For projects availing benefits of AD, the above tariff shall be reduced by Rs. 0.10 per unit.
The order can be read here.