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Power Tariff shoots up again in Rajasthan

Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (RERC) in its order dated 20th Feb 2015, has finalized tariff for FY 14-15.

Industrial tariff (HT-5 category) has gone up by Rs 1/ unit to Rs 6.5/unit (this is an increase of 18% from existing tariff, and overall a 56% increase in 5 years). The hike is similar in other categories of industrial tariffs also.

For Non-Residential or Commercial (LT 2) for Hotels, Malls etc.  it is increased 20.5% for first 100 units and 19.2% for next 100 units. This tariff order will come into force w.e.f 01.02.2015

This power hike will affect all industries as electricity is major part of their expenditure. This tariff hike comes after almost 2.5 years, as the annual hike was put on hold due to elections.

The Order can be accessed here.
Media article on the same can be read here.
Contributed by Neeraj Nasiar.