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REC trade result – April 2019

The April trade session saw a significant decrease in traded volume, most likely due to this being the first trading session of FY 2019-20. However, since demand continues to exceed supply, prices remained firm.
Non-Solar: This session the RECs were traded at the price of INR 1500 at PXIL (50% above the floor price) and INR 1300 at IEX (30% above the floor price). A total of 2,85,924 RECs were traded in this session.
Solar: Total number of solar RECs traded in this session was 82,978 RECs traded at Rs 1,800 at PXIL (80% above the floor price) and at Rs 2000 at IEX (100% above the floor price).
The overall trade volume (3,68,902 RECs) decreased by almost 68% from the last months’ trade volume (11,77,761 RECs).