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REC Trade Result – October 2019

The October trade witnessed a two and a half year high MCP of Rs 2,400 for solar REC’s on both the exchanges while the demand remained stable as compared to the previous trade session. Solar RECs traded at the forbearance price of Rs 2,400.
 Non-Solar: Non-solar RECs traded at the price of INR 1650 at both IEX and PXIL (65% above the floor price). A total of 5,87,859 RECs were traded in this session. The total RECs also include vintage RECs (21,529) at INR 1710 on PXIL.
 Solar: The total number of solar RECs traded in this session was 99,580 at Rs 2,400 at both IEX and PXIL (140% above the floor price) 
 The overall trade volume (6,87,439 RECs) decreased by almost 14% from the last months’ trade volume (8,00,434 RECs).