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REC Trading Report September-2014

REC trading session of Sept-14 was conducted on 24th Sept 2014.  Below is a summary of the result:-

The Total Transaction value for Non Solar REC stood at 34 INR million and for Solar RECs at 12.7 INR million. The overall Demand stagnated to the lowest from July 2011. The Total RECs redeemed stood at 24013.The closing balance of RECs touched a 10 million mark. Overall market clearing ratio for Non Solar RECs stood at 0.24% and for Solar RECs at 0.37%.

Non Solar REC

Total Demand was 22650 RECs for Non Solar. This month had the lowest demand of the financial year. The demand dropped by 55% w.r.t August. The Total supply rose marginally by 8% w.r.t previous month. The Total Non Solar RECs issued this month were 36% higher than August. Non Solar price remained at 1500 INR (Floor Price).

Solar REC

The Total Solar RECs issued in the month of September is 17% higher than August. The Total supply grew by 15% with respect to August. Total Solar REC Traded stood at 1363 which showed a 17 % hike compared to previous month. The Solar REC price remained at floor price (9300 INR/RECs).

 Market Clearing Index

The market was expected to improve from last months results, but instead the clearing ratios fell further to new lows.

Contributed By: Cigil