The eighth trading session of ESCerts took place today.
In total, there was a demand for 12,241 ESCerts, an increase of of 6.25% from last week. This demand was against a total supply of 3,19,810 ESCerts (decrease of 26.7% since last week). Market clearing price was determined at Rs 200/ ESCert (compared to Rs 350 last week), with 12,125 ESCerts sold (value traded reduced by 33%; the total traded value was Rs 0.24 crore). The price of ESCerts has reduced to nearly 1/6th from where it started.
Source: IEX
A circular has been released by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) instructing all the Designated Consumers (DCs) which had not achieved their energy saving targets to comply to their obligations as per PAT cycle-1 through purchase of ESCerts. The circular also mentions the penalty for non compliance as maximum Rs 10 lakh and the additional penalty to be incurred.