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Kerala defers applicability of Solar RPO

In a KSERC order dated  – April 4 2013, KSERC has mandated that solar renewable purchase obligation will be applicable on KSEB from FY14 and for other licensees from FY15.

Solar RPO of the state is set as– 0.25 %  for FY14 and is to increase by 10% every year.

Previously, in a 2010 order KSERC had mandated solar RPO to be effective from 2010 itself, but owing to sluggishness in developing solar generation and REC market, the same is made effective from FY14 for KSEB. This particular move can be seen as daunting for solar developers planning to invest in the state, given the fact the state is on the verge of finalizing its own solar policy 2013.

For copy of the order Click Here.