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Floor and Forbearance Price of REC REC Trading Report – June 2014

REC Trading Report – June 2014

REC trade session for June 2014 was conducted on 25th June 2014. The following is a summary of results –

The total transactional value of non-solar RECs was INR 208.8 million and for solar RECs it was INR 15.4 million. The closing balance of REC inventory for non solar RECs breached the 7 million mark this  month whereas solar RECs crossed 0.23 million mark.


Non Solar RECs

In case of non- solar RECs demand almost quadrupled (up by 376%) as compared to last trade session (refer  – May 2014 trade report) and Supply grew by 5.23 %. Non Solar price continued to remain at floor (INR 1,500 per REC). More insights provided in graphical charts below :

Solar RECs

Total solar RECs issued this month was 27,787 and redeemed were 1654 only. In contrast to non-solar RECs, the demand for solar RECs took a beating as it went down by 22%. Supply rose by 11% w.r.t May 2014.  More details can be found in the graphs below –

Solar RECs finished trading at floor for consecutive 12 months.

Relevant media article can be read here.