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Southern grid to be synchronized with New Grid soon

The Central Electricity Authority (CEA) through a letter dated 09-10-2013, has requested the apex commission (CERC) to expedite the process of finalizing the new-narrowed frequency band. CEA has urged this, contemplating the grid integration of southern grid with the new grid, to take place somewhere in the “beginning  of new calender year”. As per the CEA, narrowing of frequency band is required so as to reduce requirement of balancing power.

In the letter, CEA has also acknowledged, the rolling out of draft amendment to the Indian Electricity Grid Code 2010 by CERC in June 2013. In this draft regulation, the frequency band was curtailed to be from 49.95 Hz to 50.05 Hz as against the existing band of 49.5 Hz to 50.2 Hz ( more information on this can be found in our newsletter OPEN-ACCESS Vol. 33).

CEA is expecting the commission to come up with relevant final regulations by 30th Nov 2013, so that the utilities get enough time to adjust their operating practices accordingly.

As on 30th September 2013, the total installed capacity in southern region was around 56823 MW, which is about 25 % of the total All-India installed capacity.

Copy of the letter can be read here.